Lailah The Fire Seraph
Hello again ! today i will tell you about Lailah the fire seraph from tales of zestiria either.
she is so awesome !! i love her, because her voice is so cute !! >< i couldn't resist it though.
okay, back to the board ! so. I decide to explain her. because i got no idea what to do.
And here we go ! Happy Reading :)
Height : 172 Cm
Race : Seraph

Weapon : Paper
Japanese voice actor : Miyu Matsuki and Noriko Shitaya
English Voice Actor : Carrie Keranen
Character Design : Mutsumi Inomata
Lailah is a fire seraph in tales of zestiria . she has been living in the sacred blade for a long time. waiting for a new sheperd appear. during the events of the story, Lailah forms a prime's lord contract with Sorey and guides him through his quest to quell the lord of calamity. Her true name is Fethmus Mioma, meaning Lailah the Pure.
Apperance and Personality
Lailah has long silver hair with hints of green and red that is tied back in a high ponytail behind a red and gold headband. she has green eyes and wears a long-sleeved, red, white,, black and lavender dress. she wears red and white heels with ribbons that wrap around her legs. her shoes and dress decorated with green gems.
Persoality wise, Lailah is steadfast and serious, but compassionate as well, warning Sorey to carefully consider his choice becoming a sheperd before accepting such a burden. However, she also demonstrates a whimsical side, as she has a knack for making puns and can be overdramatic.
Usually, this side of her personality comes out due to her oath with herself, which forbids her from talking about Maoutelus or the previous sheperd. She can also be a bit fixated and excited when dealing with enemies that can curl up like ball such as the armadillo hellions. In Addition, She has a high expetations about it abd dreams of meeting the greates curlist, Arma Dylan. Lailah also tendency to place a emphasis on propriety, as she warns Sorey to keep his purity Intact;chastises Rose for using what she interprets as a euphemism;and complains, at lenght, About Zaveid's shirtlessness and Womanizing.
- Lailah derives from the Arabic Laylah meaning "Night"
- Lailah's martial artes in the japanese release have their names based on arts, such as music, poetry and dance
- Lailah is exceptionally informative about most hellions, mutant hellions and their origins ; in addition, giving out clues on how to defeat them. Howerver, she does not know every hellions in the world.
- Following the initial scene with Sergei in Lastonbell, lailah reveals that she has always had an interest in improvisation
- Though Lailah turns Zaveid down whenever he flirts with her, she stil demonstrates excitement at the ide of going out with him when telling his fortune after a victory
- Lailah was one of the last roles of Miyu Matsuki, who passed away on October 27,2015, after a battle with Lymphoma.
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